Foxley Kingham

Foxley Kingham Medical


Welcome to the Winter 2021 Edition of ProActivity

Welcome to the Winter 2021 Edition of ProActivity

Welcome to the Winter 2021 edition of ProActivity, well timed to provide you with an update on the announcements of the Autumn Budget, and resulting implications for businesses and individuals. Relieving the pressure on businesses Although the Autumn Budget has been...
Basis year periods – A question for sole traders…

Basis year periods – A question for sole traders…

HM Revenue & Customs has kicked the ‘Making Tax Digital’ can down the road for another year. You could be forgiven for hoping that this would mean you could put off thinking about it for a while, however, unfortunately for many, this is not the case. Why? Well, if...
Joining Foxley Kingham – Meet the team member Chris Beard

Joining Foxley Kingham – Meet the team member Chris Beard

“There’s a definite buzz in the office.” Find out how the move to Foxley Kingham has been for Chris Beard, Tax Manager at Keens Shay Keens for 17 years. In June of this year, Foxley Kingham announced its acquisition of the Luton and Letchworth offices of the...